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The Scottish Key

The Scottish Key

An enigmatic and mysterious topic, subject to allegations and fantasies of all sorts. Spread across the globe, this discrete and mysterious association has been a source of curiosity, fascination and suspicion for over 300 years. Today Freemasonry gathers several millions of people throughout the world.
Protected from the outside world, from which they isolate themselves for the length of an evening, freemasons meet in lodges and there develop a peculiar spirituality. How was this movement born? Are its origins veiled in secrecy? Even amidst its own members, few know the actual beginnings of Freemasonry. The lodges themselves have forgotten from whence they came.
For the first time, based on the most recent findings, a critical documentary investigates the question of the origins of Freemasonry. What are its links with the Knights Templar? Are they the descendants of stone masons from the Middle Ages? How did the first lodges come to be? Take an esoteric road of unsolved mysteries, starting in England in the 18th century.
Discover the events that led to the creation of the Grand Lodge of London in 1717. Ascertain the true ambitions of the men who launched this incredible adventure, and how the most intriguing fraternal society of modern times was born. Explore the centuries old stone mason lodges and their ties to the birth of Freemasonry in London.
See how these men were inspired by their secular rites such as the mason’s word and the art of memory. Find out the roots of Freemasonry in Scotland, and the real influence of the Middle Ages.

The Authors

Tristan Bourlard
Tristan Bourlard directed films, documentaries and television shows for 15 years. In 1994, he received the « Prix Européen du Meilleur Film Scientifique » at the « Festival Scientifique de Palaiseau » in France for « De Mercator aux satellites, histoires cartographiques ». In 1999, the documentary « Matamata et Pilipili » received the « Contribution Award » at the « Margareth Mead Film & Video Festival » in New York, and the Prize for Best Documentary at the FIAT in Santiago [Chili]. He’s also directed six documentaries for two thematic evenings on ARTE: « Simenon, l'homme nu » and « Einstein, une vie, un homme ». He equally directed two series of geopolitical shows for « Le dessous des cartes ». In February 2000, he published « L'oeil du romancier » (Actes Sud, Collection Solin). In 2002, he directed the historical and scientific documentary « La place du mort » for the RTBF and received the « Premier Prix du Film Pédagogique » at the « Festival du Film Archéologique Kinéon » in Brussels.

François De Smet
François De Smet was born in 1977. He studied Philosophy, before working for several years in the political sphere, and conducting research in political philosophy at the « Université Libre de Bruxelles ». He has also been active in several associations dealing with cultural diversity or equal rights . He is the author of « Les Droits de l’homme: origines et aléas d’une idéologie moderne » [2001] and numerous articles on racism, cultural diversity or citizenship. « La Clé Ecossaise » is his first film.

Versão em português do Brasil.

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